
spinning out Geisha..

here's a peek at how GEISHA was spun - for those who like getting behind the scenes!

These pics are of Geisha#2&3, which of course was preceeded by GEISHA GIRL (whom by the way, was snapped up within less than 2hours of listing!) I must say i'm having so much fun adding fabric to the fiber.. it gives it another tactile dimension, & the little prints look great too!

My darling friend, also a twin mum, suggested hanging Geisha Girl on a canvas (seriously now!! i have an inkling she is not of the hooks & needles clan!!!)

This AmaZing lady is however the proud & talented Artiste behind the marvelous NEW Aussie children's clothing label Hussh!

..adding fabric strip..
..half-way there..
..helping mum..!

1 comment:

knittydoll said...

aww! tiny spinning helpers- very sweet! Every spinner should have one! or two!


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