
a little offering from the fibre gods..

new 6ply chain-cable yarn, in the style of: "This is not a Chain Store"

Time for a freshen-up of my online presence, I have been tinkering with new designs lately.. both wearable yarn patterns (above designs now at The Nook, Leura) + a  new image-redesign, with a cute new website, product tags and yarn labels.. & in keeping with all things fresh & new, I thought I'd re-open my studio webshop with a little teaser:
Polworth.. the finest fleece from a fellow handspinner's own flock. These uncarded locks are extra-special.. with a long staple due to an extended shearing season. If you like to spin with soft buttery locks and lurve textural yarns these shimmering bring rainbow-coloured locks take the cake, and are now available by the ounce.
I also popped up new workshop bookings for the next 3 months in Lawson. If you fancy learning to spin yarn or dye fibre, now is the season!

Next up, SPIN CAMP with the amazing LEXI BOEGER, the infamous PLUCKYFLUFF.COM in which
we spun, we plucked, we fluffed till the clouds came down from yonder & sprinkled their star-dust upon us :

 corespun yarn plied all squiggly with granny stax to the max!

 accidental 8ply yarn.. kinda cool crazy thing happens with navajo plying when you're so high on the spin-love in the room distracted by all the chatter you forget which direction you are going, & then just have to keep on S & Z'ing!

 navajo : straight-up

Spin Camp ponderings: YUP we take the high side of making yarn and throw the beacon to the abyss

Some of the wild new yarns that spun their way into the world during Lexi's recent visit.. I can't believe a month has passed by since Sydney Pluckyfluff Camp. It was the MOST wild, intoxicating, enthralling three days, connecting with a friend from distant shores, finally meeting in the flesh and soaking up the beaming creative energy. My heart goes out to each and every beautiful lady who each contributed vast gobs of love, colour and creative beauty & took the opportunity to learn from and revel in new ways of working with yarn from the master Revolutionary.. and to you Lexi, sweet spinsista, such a privilege to hang in my hood with you as one of my family xo unforgettable
You can view pix of the Sydney Spin Camp on flickr and in the Pluckyfluff album on my facebook page.

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