
Winter Solstice at Kindlehill

Winter Solstice is a time of kindling the light of love in our hearts to carry us into a more inner time during the darker days of winter. Tonight we shall be without electricity, and replace it with candlelight, and allow the moonbeams to shine through the misty evening, to light our way.

My eldest daughter, now at big school, was so grown up tonight in her school play... so ready for her new experiences away from the family-fold, ready to embrace the trust of her teacher & new friends. At the Midwinter Lantern Festival, the school children sang the school-song tonight of kindling the inner light within us. I am now somehow eased into this new year of my first-born's life with a little more rest and peace than in previous years. I thank the warm hearts of our community school for shining their lights onto our family in so many ways... thank you Kindlehill ^-^

On this midwinters day I pray for our hearts to open in compassion & light towards each other - for the light of anothers' love can be our Sanctuary.

Happy Birthday our beloved Jaylen *-*
Hari Om Tat Sat

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