

a lull of sorts has befallen Wooldancer, with the event of last saturday evening spent in Emergency Dept. MissA underwent the usual kind of backyard activity & happened to fall off her brother's toy car. In fact i wish the event was more spectacular than it was, as it amounted in 3 stitches to her chin & a sedative to enable their fixture.. it seems that happy-gas does nothing to the pain-threshhold of a 5year-old, as i am sure many mothers in labour would attest, tho it seems the Doctors & nurses still flaunt it's pain-numbing properties as a viable alternative to anaesthesia. I wonder if the very fact that it took 4 people to hold my dear-one down on the table whilst undergoing the happy-gas treatment & the stabbing pain of multiple injections into the very wound itself with missA screaming for her life, had any impact on whether there is still an effective viability of happy-gas as a reliever of pain? hmmm any wonder really, that it took her 4 hours to recover from what could have been a very straight-forward treatment for 3 little stitches.

in times like these, i wonder about the psychic abilities of children.. the very same MissA in question has been speaking to me over the last 3 weeks about how much she didn't want to go to hospital, and just last week exclaimed very assuredly that she Absolutely did NOT want stitches.. of course i looked at her with utter confusion & thought, 'what are you going to need those for darling?' If only I was as tuned in as her, perhaps i could have taken known toy car for a ride to the bin before the griefstricken event!!

however, whilst MissA was "open-eyed & no-one's home" under the sedative, the doctor proceeded to throw out every cloth & bit of utensil utilised during the proceedure & it had me wondering just how much waste hospitals go through... tweesers, scissors, very high-quality ones at that.. being a crafter i guess i saw them as essential tools of the trade, & began to think of how they could be better utilised than merely tossed after one use - horrifying really!! This hospital expedition, i'm sure, could have been very good inspiration for the recent "RECYCLE" topic of Fiber Friday!


Anonymous said...

OH! how scary for both of you!!!!!

Wooldancer said...

it was totally mad... but, she is doing ok - & hopefully the memory for us both will fade... not a good way to begin a happy-hospitals-are-for-healing experience for her.. despite it all, her spirits are coping fairly well with the new injury *-* except "Princesses aren't supposed to have sore chins"

knittydoll said...

poor little A- send her lots of hugs~!


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