500gr wool/mohair tops, 200 merino tops x2, loads of cotton, linen, boucle threads, free handdyed fibery mix, as yet unidentified wavy locks (center front), & doe locks.. all for next to Nix mind you.. i think i spent maybe AU$20ish, & that was mostly for the threads!! yee!!
I should say this is only the 2nd Spinners & Weavers Guild meeting I have been to. I decided to sign up so I can meet some other local fiber artists & the workshops are cool fun too - a great excuse to have a whole day to myself to indulge in all things fibery every now & then! Basically my time spent there is largely in the recycle corner, browsing the comprehensive library, & having fun at the mini-workshop before the main meeting (which i hardly ever attend mind you - family begs on the weekend!)
..The mini-workshop was on Spindling this time.. We broke out the navaho spindles, some of which were a meter long or more, & checked out all the neat spindles around the room, tahkli, turkish, all kinda cool handmade numbers.. i must confess i enjoy a spindle or two, & mine i do admire: a purpleheart from the very talented spindlemaker, & a 2ndhand hardwood number i got for my daughter incidently! I do confess though, the spindle is not my device of choice, i am totally devoted to my Ashford Traveller, from which all Wooldancer yarns originate, tho i must say i do like to tote a spindle to the park these days.. it's a fine way to watch the kids play & spin my stuff simultaneously!!
OK, to top off the weekend SEeX Rampage, this amazingly generous blogger, who just happens to live 15minutes from me in the Blue mountains, bestowed upon me 5 bails of wool (as if 3 wouldn't be enough!).. for NIX mind you!! O.M.G.. we are in farm-fresh-fiber-heaven now.. & my kelpie is strangely unexcited about the whole thing - which is probably a good thing i guess.. but, my longing to get him some sheep to round-up just became fresher than ever!!
It's a merino cross-breed, with a good staple length of 5inches.. it's definately
So, while i am flaunting my SEeX with you, I got lucky on Monday, with the next generous offer to hit my doorstep - this lovely satchel, full of fibers that were, in a previous life, the bottom of a lovely doll-makers stash. She was gifting them for free because she was never going to get to them! (gee i think i got really lucky some how this week.. believe me, this is an unusual happening!) A mixed bag with some super-colourful bits, & some little felt/fluff toys to boot! yeee - there was even a little fleecy/pipecleaner sheep hiding in there too!! Note Mr Slinky-Fiber-Man to the right.. he's really strutin' his stuff!!
And just when you thought i surely couldn't possibly have room for more, Mr Postie also gave me my Polworth Handspinners Sample Pack from Wendy Dennis - these sheep have go to be the cutest, & she even has accommodation on her property for us spinning-type holidayers down in Victoria - woohoo!!
I have been so wanting to see, touch, hug this fiber for way too long to mention now, & it's just as i anticipated - there's some ultimate super-soft yarn hugs ooozing form these little baggies i tell you! oooohhhh sooooooo soft.. amazing really, to see such a long stapled fiber & feel the silkyness of it in the grease.. it almost doesn't even need washing, the grease is so light-on, & the scent is just to dye-for!! Really.. go. get. yourself. some.o.this. my spinny friends.. you'll be ever grateful you did!
- standard 3-4" Polworth
I am fixing myself up with the Polworth/Silk blend tops for sure.. & some of those super cute rovings also, & these locks, well.. so so so hard to resist!! So watch out for them in store won't you!!
okay.. better go take a nod.. this wooldancer's gotta rest now - Yarn Hugs all round *-*
I want some SEX too!!! I do, I do!
You lucky dog - can't wait to see what you can do with all of that.
well!! by the looks of all those boxed deliveries, you get regular seex without even having to leave home!! & those fluffy mattresses of fiber you have there.. weeha!
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