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leap of faith

with just 4 weeks to go before we move out of our house & my head is spinning! until we know for sure where we are going, la wooldancer will be unravelling the mysteries about bargaining for a house & the even deeper mystery of how to pack up everything we own (believe me you don't want to know the contents of my bower) & shift them onward & upward.. i think it has been decided we are going to buy a house most probably further up the mountain breathe.deeply.breathe.again.sigh.phew.. it's a BIG thing buying one's first home. arghhhhh! can anyone advise me on how to trust the process & conect with the gut when the plethora of information has my head spinning & my gut in a vortex goin the other way??
i'm off to take some rescue remedy.. it somehow makes me feel better knowing the brandy has flower power in it *-*
BTW: the store will be updated sometime soon i promise!! i have loads of goodies sitting here just waiting for the "spare time" to materialise!
it's good to live in HOPE
yarn hugs, Michelle


Sandra Eileen said...

OOH, moving - how excitging, scary, wonderful - I wish you well. Love your avatar

diane_s said...

focus on the future , nothing is as good as your own home where you paint rainbows onthe walls and no one can throw you out. no more money to landlords no more inspections no uncertainty .the process is scary the end is great ! i wish you luck

Wooldancer said...

ohh muah girls! sandra & diane, thank you for your kind & wise words - yes - I can actually see the rainbow's now (MissA draws them all the time with her rainbow wax crayons & rainbow dyed wool craft!!) it's all about synchronisity, wouldn't you say!!
thanks sandra for your comment about my avatar.. creo ingero is an amazing designer to say the least!!
Enjoy Life, Enjoy Yarn!


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